Definition: pa·tience
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Calling All Teachers,
I decided to start putting together some positive teaching quotes to look at every morning. I think they help serve those little reminders, such as, "It's not the students fault I'm tired/ grumpy today.. so why make them pay for it?"
Some positive thoughts about this diving head- first plunge of living/ teaching overseas by myself thing that I'm currently into:
So it goes...
I was literally in the middle of a phone conversation with my mom when the call to prayer went off. I'm not sure if its considered "kosher" or not but inshallah. When I told her what it was, her response and reaction to it made me realize that I'm pretty much totally tuned out and used to that thing. Although, some days I'll notice it when I can actually hear it go off at school. Insert:
"You know its a good day of teaching when...."
Just wanted to share another phrase I learned in Arabic: Yella Habibi. In a nutshell it means: hurry.. sweetie (term of endearment).
I experienced the City Center in Salmiya for the first time this weekend. This place is legit! WHAT HAVE I BEEN DOING THIS WHOLE TIME?! I got some cute dishes and lots of other random things for cheap. As my friend would say, "cute dishes?".. "lol women." I will be going back to this place when/ if I ever move and get an actual non- hotel apartment! *fingers still crossed believe it or not.
Speaking of a possible (latest rumor- end of Feb.) apartment, I have developed a love- hate relationship with construction. I LOVE that someday... I will have a fully finished and constructed apartment. I HATE that the construction right next to my window goes off at any random points of the day/ night/ early morning. Ugh.
To stay "in touch" with my last post and finding ways to stay sane, I think I've found my # 2. Want a hint? I have created a new folder on my computer labeled booked tickets.
Booked trip # 1: Lebanon over Liberation Days in Feb.
Soon-to-be booked trip # 2: Spring break in Jordan/ Petra/ Dahab in April
Soon-to-be booked trip# 3: Professional Development in Dubai in May
Soon-to-be booked trip #4: South Korea in June
Booked trip #5: Arielle and Brad's wedding in San Diego and naturally spending a little pre-time in VEGAS in July
I'm hoping for a trip a month! Lot's to look forward to... :D
Oh The Places You'll Go...
“It's opener, out there, in the wide, open air.”
― Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You'll Go!
see ya next time..
P.S. You can thank my addiction to pinterest for the lovely quotes/ pictures! See why it's so AWESOME? :D
Nina - Ahhh, patience:) Something we all strive for. Here's one that helps me sometimes. Don't sweat the small stuff, and really it's all small stuff. Always love to read bout what you are doing. Love you!!! Aunt Kim