It was Saturday, August 4, 2012. The day I jumped out of a plane! This experience concluded what could possibly have been the best weekend ever. First, I got my passport visa for Kuwait on Friday!! HUGE relief! Then, after a restless night of sleep accompanied by on and off nightmares of jumping out of a plane, a little tipsy I might add.. came Saturday. I want to mention that I am afraid of heights and that my best friend since first grade has been trying to convince me to skydive with her at least since high school, so that's a good 5 years of asking and waiting very patiently.
I finally began to consider the idea, and watched many YouTube videos and read about people's experiences with this. The one single thing that I couldn't seem to wrap my mind around was the actual stepping off a moving plane. The point of no return. So, I called and booked us a spot.
We arrived at the Independent Skydive Company in Boulder, CO. Apart from the fear and utter questioning of what I was about to do, every piece of this adventure was truly amazing. We signed our lives away promising not to sue if we die, etc. I then used the restroom, figuring it would be best to empty as many bodily fluids as possible before hand. In the bathroom, there was a sign that said, "please remove your skiddies, and/ or bring your beer." I smiled.
Leslie said that as they were securing the harness, the look of pure fright was all over my face. Our awesome instructors diligently explained every step of what we should expect. Now, it was time to step outside and take pictures of the "before we jumped." Afterwards I thought, "Here it is, the moment to board the plane."
I knew that once I was on that plane that I had to do this, and I also said they could push me off if needed. :) It was about a 20 min plane ride. This felt like forever. They announce when we have 5, 3, and 1 minute utill we jump. While waiting, I notice a sign in the plane that said "jump more, bitch less." I knew I was with the right group of people.
One minute left, shit was getting serious. Then, the door opens.. And you can feel the air blowing so fast. SCARY. Thank goodness I insisted on going first. Even Leslie said it got to her when she saw me fall. She said she was wondering, "what have I gotten myself into??" The next thing to do is step out on the footstep and then lean forward for the fall off. This is the most terrifying/ freeing feeling. All you can think is.. Get me back on that plane, at the same time thinking, now I need to know how this feels. Apparantly, in the process of getting out the plane, I screamed at every move my instructor made, and stopped when he stopped, realizing I was okay and still breathing lol. Then, as we were on the step outside the moving plane.. I screamed. I screamed for a while after that.. While doing the running man. I'm not sure why kicking my feet would provide me with some form of comfort. But, it did.
Before I knew it, we were facing the earth and in free fall. He pulled my arms out, which was a feat as I had an incredible death grip on my harness. This was the most amazing feeling. I don't like that feeling you get on roller coaster rides when you loose your stomach. After those first couple seconds, I never felt that again. It feels like you are flying and hovering in a surreal life. Like, when you put your hand out the window in your car while driving, but it's all over your body. Coolest thing ever.
All of a sudden, I felt a very slight tug and realized the parachute had been deployed. I can now hear my instructor Shawn. Before, the wind was so fast that all I could hear was the wind. The first thing I ask him is, "are we safe now?" lol..Yes, we were. He told me to look up and maybe we would see Leslie and Redeye falling. It was like all of a sudden they were falling out of the clouds. So neat.
This next part of skydiving is completely and truly peaceful. You literally enjoy a nice, slow ride to the ground. You can see forever and wish it would last forever. Even the landing was not scary at all, I was surprised that I didn't feel how fast we were coming towards the ground. When we landed, we could not stop smiling and I proceeded to yell, "THAT WAS AWESOME!!"
I made a bucket list after this, because if I can jump out of a moving plane and LOVE it, nothing can hold me back.
The list: (which will still be growing btw)
-skydive (check)
-scuba dive (check)
-teach overseas (almost check)
-ride a camel
-crash a wedding
-record a video of lip syncing to a song
-pick up a hitchhiker (lol.. This might just have to be when I'm 90)
-zip line (SCARY) haha
-go to South Korea
YAll are NUTS! never, ever get out of a moving airplane unless its on FIRE! meanwhile, rock on.